Escape from Victory: A Dublin Trilogy Novella (The Dublin Trilogy) by Caimh McDonnell

Escape from Victory: A Dublin Trilogy Novella (The Dublin Trilogy) by Caimh McDonnell

Author:Caimh McDonnell [McDonnell , Caimh]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781912897568
Publisher: McFori Ink
Published: 2023-03-13T23:00:00+00:00


About forty minutes later, Bunny clambered into the front seat of Bertha and slammed the door shut. “Right, lads, who’s up for some pizza?”

This was met with a roar of approval from all around him.

“And ice cream?” asked Deccie.

“And ice cream,” confirmed Bunny. “I’m a man of my word.”

This was met with another roar.

Bunny glanced across at Huey, who was sitting at the other end of the front seat, gripping his bowl as always. “Oh, sorry, Huey, I didn’t mean to, y’know …”

“Oh, no,” said Huey. “No worries. I just … I mean, can I ask … We didn’t actually win the game though, did we?”

Bunny nodded. “That’s an excellent question. In fact, pay attention, lads. There are a couple of big life lessons to take away from today” – Bunny held a finger up – “Number one – victory comes in many forms. Sometimes, it’s winning a hard-fought battle and doing so with a bit of class. Sometimes it’s losing with good grace, especially if the other side are being gobshites about it. And sometimes, and admittedly, this is a bit of a rarer one, but sometimes, victory is having your game abandoned after the referee gives the arsehole in charge of the other team an almighty boot in the bollocks.”

This was greeted by another massive cheer. Bunny couldn’t help grinning from ear to ear. The memory of seeing Grainger rolling around on the ground was going to warm the cockles of his heart on many a cold night. And it wouldn’t just do so for him, young Deccie Fadden having proven that he might just have the instincts to be a war photographer after all, having captured it for posterity. He’d used up an entire disposable camera on it. The shot of Grainger begging for mercy when the referee was being held back by the quickest thinking of the St Mungo’s parents would be particularly delightful. It occurred to Bunny that he could pay the no doubt sizeable bill for feeding the entire team fancy pizza if he got a load of copies of those pictures made and sold them around the force. Grainger was not a popular man.

“Which brings me, lads, to important life lesson number two.” He held up a second finger. “Now, I assume somebody in school has explained to you what is meant by a lady’s ‘time of the month’?”

This was met with enough nods that Bunny could choose to interpret it as universal. If not, they’d explain it to one another later on and more or less get the general idea across.

“Right. Good. The big lesson to take away from today is you never ever, ever, ever, bring it up in conversation. I mean ever. This piece of advice should be one of them public service announcement things on the TV, like not trying to get your frisbee out of a power line or the dangers of drowning in a slurry pit. Just, trust me on this; never ever mention it, OK?”

This was met with solemn nods all round.


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